Friday, October 21, 2016

Monitoring ports from the Windows command prompt

You can also use netstat -noa | find "port number" and then tasklist | findstr PID_of_process to check which process uses your ports.

To open your command prompt:
1. Push WIN ÿ button on your keyboard, in appeared window type "cmd", then ENTER.
2. Go "Start" -> Search -> type "cmd" -> choose "Command prompt".

To check your ports:

In any directory:

1. If you want to see the full list of your connections this moment, type

netstat -noa 

2. If you know the port number you want to see if it's busy 

netstat -noa | find "port number"

3. If you want to know which process takes your port
  3. 1. Take a PID of this process as shown above
  3. 2.  Push CTRL + ALT + DEL, choose "Task manager"
  3. 3.  Choose "more"
  3. 4.  Press the head of the "ID" column to sort all the running processes by their ID and find the goal process by it's PID (which is the ID in this table). 
  3. 5. Here you can also stop the process if it's not system.

Also you can kill any process from the command prompt typing 

taskkill /F /PID 1196

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