Friday, December 9, 2016

How to use localtunnel to test your website online

First you need to install Gulp.

Then in command prompt install local tunnel

npm install -g localtunnel

Test it

lt --help

And get a temporary adress

lt --port 8080

This adress you can use during few minutes and thei it will expire

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

How to run psql script

If you have a postgres database named myDatabase 
By user user with password password.

First need to set up the path for psql.exe which exists in the %Postgres_home_directory%\bin.
Then Push WIN ΓΏ button on your keyboard, in appeared window type "cmd", then ENTER to open your command prompt.
There go to the directory where your script is, using cd directoryadress/ ENTER.
In this folder type myscript psql -h localhost -U user -f cms-tables.psql myDatabase.
-h localhost - if you work locally
-p 5433 - if port of database is not default