Saturday, January 9, 2016

Line following robot

Yesterday I finished my Line Follower Robot on Arduino.
As the main controller I took an Arduino Uno board
I have choosen this board because of the multiple shields I can connect to it. One of them is l298p Motor Shield for driving my DC motors:
As the motors I've took the cheapest ones with the 1:25 reductor because I didn't really care how fast my robot will be, I needed just principle working one.
3-12 V and 120 rounds per second.
The other thing I needed is the optosensor which sees the line on the floor.
I've choosen Pololu - QTR-1A Reflectance Sensor
Again, because it's cheap and easy.
To connect all together I took one more shield and it was IO Expansion Shield For Arduino[V7].
And, of course, I needed some board to put everything on it. I've decided to make it by myself by laser cutting from the piece of wood (was not the best idea as I researched later).
There is what I've done:
I put the arduino board on my piece of wood, then connected a motor shield. Connecting my motors took some time because I had to be sure that the Motor 1 is the right one (if I look at the picture I've published), the Motor 2 at the left and both rolling forward (backward if I look this picture). For that experiments I wrote simple example with Arduino IDE which I previously installed on my computer.
This code you can find here.
Then I made a sensor test simple application to know what my sensors return.
I put my sensors on A4 and A5 pins on my top shield watching when I have Ground (squared pin), Vin (connected to 5 v) and Vout (A4 and A5).

I figured out that when it's totally dark (when I push the sensot with my finger it returns 1024 and when it's bright (when I show sensor my monitor white background or my daylight lamp) it's around 10.

That's why I used those values for my calibration function which I wrote to make my robot know how light is my white floor and how dark is the line. I set previos values for light the blackest one and the lightest one for black. Then I moved the robot in my program and said it to use any "lighter" value for light and any "darker" for black.

To make my robot to see the line I wrote a Proportional Regulator using my sensor values and my middle gray values.
k there is a proportional coefficient which I guessed (firstly I've tried some more values and watched how it works).
Here is the full code for my robot.
And here is it :)

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Today I've decided to create a GitHub account and now it's avalible to see here what I'm doing.
Hope, it's not gonna stay empty too long. I am already working on my first project "Mouse in labyrinth" for my school teaching job.
See you soon.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Today was two interesting meetings, both with people who's making "Quests in reality".
Three task were suggested and next week I should spend solving them.
First one in to make a silicon heart beating. I suppose I'll take an arduino connected pump or 'll make one with motor and medical injector.
Second one is to make a dice reading system on the jumanji game desk and the items moving system. There are some ideas about that, but I'm not sure about them.
There are two other tasks I'll write later.